Sunday 31 July 2016

Capability Brown 300

I have finally got round to doing the background for my Capability Brown piece based on bark from a Cedar of Lebanon. Embroiderers' Guild has teamed up with 140 National Trust properties to do exhibitions of work based on elements of the Capability Brown landscape at each place. My branches exhibition is at Charlecote Park from 11th August to 31st October. It follows on from exhibitions by Solihull and Leamington branches. It is in The Orangery cafe.
The background is scrim Bondawebbed on to calico with more pieces of scrim on top with little highlights of silk. The threads are some of the threads I might use.
I used to think that I was a meticulous planner, but when I did that, nothing quite made it on to fabric. I now know that I am more intuitive and like to be spontaneous when it comes to the actual making. Having said that, the photos were taken more than a year ago and the materials were bought in March, so planning has been going on in my conscious and subconscious mind!

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